Friday, March 29, 2013

I wonder whether the children of Israel would have made it to the Promised Land if they were made aware of the disobedience of Moses? Moses sinned against the Lord by striking the rock when he was given the instruction to speak to it. This is the reason why he was denied entry into the land promised by the Lord. The most important note to express is the fact that the Lord covered the sin by not allowing the people to be made aware of what Moses had done. Too often when someone is found out along with it comes being thrown out of the camp; and the loss of credibility. We really do not know the extent of damages we bring upon ourselves when taking the judgment of God into our own hands. Those ordained by the Lord for leadership carry within a map that leads people toward destiny; they are His anointed. This call is placed on their life only by the Lord and is not deputized by another human. It is neither subjected to man's approval and punishments. Keep in mind that Caesar's government is separate from God's kingdom. This is an issue among church participants. Too many of the called are thrown out of a camp once someone operating by Caesar's system peaks under their skirt of grace. And with it goes the assignment(s) these individuals are to do which another is dependent upon. Not to say that sin should go uncorrected to rule in a person's life but room must be left for their humanness. It is the Lord who handles all matters concerning the humanness of His leaders. Hands are cut off while still carrying purpose. Eyes are gouged out simply because there has been a falling away from grace. Who will reveal the way if as an eye they are plucked out of position because of a speck? Who will open the door when as a hand they have been chopped off over a collection of dust under the nails? Who will stand if as a leg, or support pillar, they are cut off for walking across the paths of the ungodly to get to the straight and narrow path? If the church is a hospital, why is it that people reach from their stretcher to cut a limb off of the person in the next? There is a difference between falling and wallowing in sin. Both are capable of getting up again but only one is immediately willing to do so. Have we become so blood happy that we have forgotten that it is by the Blood we are made whole? This freedom provided through Christ is not to condemn those in whom we should be leading closer to Him; especially if we consider ourselves to be further along than another. Reconciliation and restoration is the assignment of every believer. Temptation is a device of the enemy. Once it is conceived, death becomes a tempting assignment that falls into the hands of restorers to pervert them. Will those hands take the knife, or will they take it to the Lord in prayer? This is how the contagious spread of perversion happens. When things are used outside of the purpose it was created for. As believers, it should not be difficult to run away from the seat of the scornful to use our hands for prayer and restoration; standing in the gap for a fellow believer who happens to be tripping. As shown in the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery, the men were right in taking it before the Lord, but wrong in their motive. When they took the matter before the Lord there was correction given to both parties. Along with bringing someone else before the Lord comes a revelation about the individual(s) that ushered them. The men dropped the stones they intended to use to afflict the woman, and both were given the opportunity to receive restoration. Because the woman was the only one willing to receive correction, she was charged to sin no more. Who do you believe would be the more effective evangelist? 

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